Monday, November 8, 2010

Construction Begins...

On January 1, 2010 I made a resolution which I of course broke. And yet I’m not disappointed, because where I failed to reach my destination I did in fact enter uncharted territory. On December 25th, 2009 after watching a movie with my family (Avatar, which was great! Unless you are Mark Driscoll in which case it is pagan idol worship, lol) and I stumbled upon the realization that I needed to intentionally make changes in my life. And so I set some goals. I’m not going to go into them but essentially I was going to make myself a completely different person than I was last year. And so I set off for my new adventure, eager to arrive at my destination.

November 8th, 2010. I sit here at my desk, with many things pretty much the same, and yet I am completely different. This year was an interesting year. It was a year of growth, realization, and changes. Please don’t get the wrong idea its not that I didn’t do anything, its simply that I began to shake off the rust that I had amassed on me over the past 4 identical years.

Its harder than I thought to lose weight. Maybe its because I’m older than I thought I was and my metabolism doesn’t work as well as I thought it would. I couldn’t get a different job because I applied at jobs, did interviews and didn’t get jobs. As it turns out I need to get a college degree in order to get better paying jobs. And so it went for many of my goals. I tried and got shot down, tried and didn’t get the results that I desired. But for most of them it just required a few changes, a few things here and there that would ultimately change the course of my life forever. And those changes I was able to make or at least start. So as it turns out this year was preparation for what is to come next year and years later so I am excited to sow what I have reaped this year.

I end this entry with this illustration: earlier this summer my dad bought a bunch of wood and we were going to start building a 10x12 deck in the back yard. We started planning and making inventory of what we would need. As he looked at the list, he realized that there were a few things io needed: cement, a few extra posts, etc. I asked why we needed that and he walked over with his hammer, ripped a board off of the original deck and showed me the foundation, the only reason our old deck was still standing. This year I didn’t build my new life but I definitely set a foundation, so in 2011 the construction begins!

1 comment:

  1. awesome...thanks for putting that in that perspective...because i too was making changes and getting discouraged that not everything happens right away, blah, blah. But you're right...gotta build the foundation first... I would've never seen it that way!
