Monday, December 28, 2009


Have you ever been in a car wreck? I have been in a couple of them. In one of them I remember that I was driving. My buddy was sitting next to me and we were in Chico. At one point I was going to merge into another lane but decided not to do so. I stayed in my lane and some driver was trying to be fancy while switching lanes. A few seconds later that car hit mine, my car spun out of control and my car ended up facing opposite of traffic.

What I remember is that during the few seconds that the car wreck lasted, I wondered if I was going to die. My life didn’t flash before my eyes, but my psyche brought forward thoughts of the end. I was a senior in High School at the time and at that moment I thought that my life was over. I also remember something else from that moment; I remember the only words that came to mind. They had very little if anything to do with my life at the time. Nonetheless I now believe that my hearts cry at that moment was for Man’s only source of salvation. That cry was: “God, help me!” And God did in fact save me that day, I didn't die that day and I came out of the accident unscathed, feeling as though I was given a fresh chance at life.

Throughout the past few years several aspects of my life have been spinning out of control. My life has been headed in a direction that I never intended nor wanted. My actions have provoked the appropriate reactions, those of which have discontented me. Each decision that you make echoes into the rest of your life. Make the wrong decisions, and your life will go in the wrong direction.

For the past few years my life has been spinning in circles. I have been doing laps in a desert that I was only supposed to travel for a couple of weeks. And to be quite honest, I brought this about myself. And for the past few years I have say fat, dumb and happy spinning circles instead of moving forward. On December 26, 2009 I had a revelation of sorts. I realized that I had witnessed this season coming, I could have prevented it and didn’t, I made decisions that dug my grave deeper, in other words, I built these walls. But the fact that I am in this rut isn’t the revelation, but the fact that NOW is the time to exit the desert. NOW is the time to tear down these walls. NOW is the time to fix all of the errors. NOW is the time where I cry out:”God, Help me!” NOW is the time to be REBORN!

1 comment:

  1. Look forward in going with you by reading your goals etc. Yes I have been in a car wreck. My husband had a heart attack while driving and I was a passenger. Very scary. He lived four days and never knew anything and then died.
