Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Week 2 update (one week late!)

Health –
• lose 45 pounds – not doing too good. Gaining muscle well enough.
• go to the doctor more often – Finally got my card, probably gonna make an appointment for next week.

Finances –
• Spend less money on leisure. – spending less money on leisure!
• Tithe comes first! – I am up to date on my tithes! Praise God. Up until now I have seen his faithfulness!
• Pay off loans! – paying them

Spirituality –
• Put God first at all times. – need to work on this more!
• Work towards becoming a pastor. – going to ask about some classes being offered at church.
• Become more involved at church. – new format for training institute at church will help me with this one. Praise God!

Friendship –
• forget about past friends (the bad ones). – doing well with this one!
• Make new friends. – no way to meet new folks :(
• Get back in touch with old/good friends. Visit them more often. – need to visit!

Personal –
• Wake up earlier and pray/ work out. - waking up earlier, need to work out and pray!
• Read more books! 2 per month. - I’m half way through power of the blood and I have until next Sunday to read this side of paradise. BUT the Pro Bowl is this Sunday! That means I might spill into February.

- - So far I have noticed change in certain areas and I have also noticed waning interest in others. I need to step it up. I can’t be comfortable with where I am. I need to do more. I need to go out and look for what I want. I need to be proactive but old habits are hard to break.

This month I have realized that I can do a 180 this year. It is possible. I have realized that life gets in the way of my plans. I need to learn to stay goal oriented when life is happening, that my mind and attentions don’t drift elsewhere.

1 comment:

  1. Hi J! I am perfectly alright with you following along with my adventure into adulthood. You said some encouraging words, and I really appreciate that! Thanks for taking an interest! As far as your goals go, you've got a really great list going! Just work on one at a time so you don't feel so overwhelmed. I constantly want to reinvent myself and become a better person, and you are well on your way to doing that! But don't totally shut life out. Let that become a part of you growing and changing! I have faith you can do it!
